Well dear readers, I think the time has finally come to hang up my hat and to say goodbye to you all. Since we moved house back in February I've felt that this blog has just been dragging along without any sense of direction - which actually sounds a bit like my life really!
The children broke up from school on Friday and for the next seven weeks I want to spend some quality time with them. Amber is already 14 and it might be the last summer that she's around all the time. The boys, being 12 and 8, increasingly need me less but I want to make sure I do fun stuff with them too. Plus there's the epic return to America in August to plan.
I also need some time to think about where my life is going and what I want to put into it come September. I'm exploring ideas like adult education courses and I might try my hand at art and maybe brush up on my German. I'd also like to get out of the house and find a part time job. So there's lots to ponder and do this summer and quite honestly blogging is just a distraction these days.
It wasn't always thus of course, having this blog really did change my life and in the course of two years plus I have learned so much, tried many new things, stretched myself creatively, made some amazing friends and most importantly I've been part of this fantastic on-line community. Of course I will miss you all terribly but I'm sure you will understand that I have come to a crossroad in this 47th year of my life and I need to really think about which road I'm going to take.
So I bid you farewell and send my love to each and every one of you that has read my posts, left comments, sent emails, exchanged gifts and bought things from me. Thank you for being there ...........................