A very quick post to say that we're back and that we had a wonderful time in Wales. The weather was amazingly good - there was a bit of drizzle on one day but most days we got down to the beach. The house we were renting was a 5 minute walk away.
Ofcourse, we ate far too much what with the gourmet lunch at the Sloop Inn and cream tea at a local farmhouse where I wanted to steal this lovely creature:
He was just gorgeous and loved being stroked and petted. The children swam and made sandcastles:
and I spent the whole week reading Gone With The Wind! I managed a few rows of Tom's tanktop but that's all. I was so gripped with the book. However, we did manage to watch a couple of films in the evenings such as The Magnificent Ambersons by Orson Welles (so butchered by the studio that I could hardly follow the storyline) and an Indian film called Heat by Deepa Mehta about partition which was excellent but slightly harrowing. The children got on wonderfully and we did manage to get a couple of child-free hours to ourselves in the evenings when we put the world to rights and looked back over our collective time together.
We came back yesterday afternoon and feasted on crab and mussels that we'd picked on the beach a few days ago. I cooked them in some wine and butter and garlic and that was our supper. Afterwards we played scrabble and pretended that we were still on holiday because I knew that this morning it would be back to normality with a vengeance. The fridge needs cleaning and now it's half empty I really can't ignore it. The car is full of sand and sweet wrappers and needs hoovering and as for the washing well lets just say that I can't dilly dally on the computer any longer. I'll be back very soon...............