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i will miss you, i have missed you but good on you for coming to a decision. take care and keep in touch xxx


Oh no!
Does there have to be an end? Can't you just blog when you feel you have something you want to say?
Oh well...I will miss your lovely nlog. I only really got here as you were moving house and winding up but I enjoyed what I saw.


The best of luck to you and yours :) I've enjoyed sharing your writing and your crafting.


I don't think it's just you Simmy. Blogland is not the place it was. Perhaps it was different when we were all building a community together. But now it is established and all seems different somehow.

It was good to get to know you - wishing you and your family all the very best with real life.


All the best, Simmy. I'm glad real life is going so well for you!

Kelly Manning

I've just found you tonight and have enjoyed looking through your many crafting adventures. I consider myself a future dyer. But for now I've got two little young ones and was wondering if you could email me the waldorf pattern if you have any time. Thank you and enjoy all your time as you need to live it!

Rebecca R

how sad I just found your blog.........
I hope you will leave it up for those of us who may read through it in the years to come.

Best wishes - creative hearts always grow & change - nurture your desires- every day.

Portland OR


Hope you all have a wonderful life.Thanks for sharing just a little of your journey.
Kristy x


I thought this day was nigh. And that's fine. But you HAVE to promise to keep in touch with me via email then. (I know I didn't reply to you about Raj's arm-and yes it was Kit who broke his arm twice in 2007-I'm sorry, I've been waiting until I got the chance to sit down and write you a big juicy email rather than dashing something off like now!). My kids now think of your family as extended family.
I'm really glad to hear that you have really found a rhythm of life with your new move. You sound very happy. So keep in touch!


How sad ( for us readers) it is coming to an end. Those three years I loved reading your craft adventures and all about your family. But I do understand blogging takes up a lot of time.
And I would love to continue reading all your stories but alas.... Wishing you and your family a very happy future with lots of craft, baking and happy joyful family-moments.


I guess if you feel that blogging is a chore, then it is really something you shouldn't be doing! If you are having a relaxed time of it doing other things, then good for you for doing them! Have a wonderful life!


I feel exactly the same way Georgia does. You had better keep in touch with us! We miss you and think about you all the time. we have tons going on this summer, but would always love a short visit from our very favorite English family at any time.

Love to all!


Oh, how sad, I've always enjoyed your blog and found it very lovely and inspirational, but it's true, there is a season for everything, and after all, your real life is more important. Maybe you'll pop up again in the future when or if it feels right. Thanks so much and enjoy your life.


It was nice to "meet" you and stay in touch here for a while, but life moves on, that's just the way things go. Thank you for sharing some of your journey and best of luck with the rest of it :-)


I've enjoyed reading your blog but understand the call of life. Living is much more fun, rewarding, than writing about living.
Peace and blessings!


Oh, how sad Simmy :(

Take care and I wish you & the family all the very best xx

Diane H K

Please, oh please keep the blog up for a good while even if you don't add to it! Just discovered it and I'm anxious to read the archive. Thanks!


Oh bummer! I just recently started reading your blog, love your work. All the best to you and your family!


I know that you have 'officially' finished blogging and hope you are enjoying your free time! I just wanted to let you know that I made a recipe you mentioned some time back - Chocolate Tiffin Cake - and it is yummy! I have mentioned it on my blog and linked back to you, and thought you might like to read it, even if you don't need the traffice it might generate!
Please pop by and see what I said:
Lisa x


Simmy, my life is better having known you through this blog. Our girls corresponded briefly too, and it was all so much fun in the beginning wasn't it? (Grace has since graduated!) It is hard to believe that YEARS have actually passed since then. You may be surprised to know that I'm still using your dyed felt in little projects and always think about you experimenting with those plant dyes when I hold it in my hands. (I'm actually growing wode right now to make cerulean blue from the roots. Have you ever tried that?) Anyway...this has always been one of my favorite blogs and I'll miss checking in over here to see what you've been up to. But I do understand. It's the universal blogger's lament, I think. How to keep the blog rolling and still have a life. I'm happy you're getting on with yours (oh the envy!!), but please don't forget to stop by and say hello once in awhile, OK? xox


I have enjoyed your blog so much Simmy. Thankyou. It has been an inspiration... one of the first blogs I ever read actually. I wish you well. Enjoy. :) Carla

Dissertation Writing

Wonderful post, thanks for putting this together! "This is obviously one great post. Thanks for the valuable information and insights you have so provided here. Keep it up!"


I just found your blog and was so excited and then I read this post.

I fully understand making such a decision. It is best in life to just be in the moment and that way, you don't miss out on being somewhere else. Enjoy your kids!

Best wishes and many blessings!


Hi SImmy,

So glad you got my note. Perhaps we can move to email or skype? I am at

[email protected]

I don't have an email for you, thus the comments... We are coming in August and need some advice as to where to go, etc.

I look forward to catching up!


You will be missed for sure!!

Blessing to you and your family :)

Nancy Thomas

I only just found you and now you're gone.
Thanks again for sharing. You write about your family and your world with such warmth. I feel your home is a magical place where all dreams are born and go to rest.
May you always have love ,peace and joy.
Thank you for inspiring me.
Nancy x

Penny Peberdy

Oh Simmy, please don't go - I've only just found your blog!


I just found your blog! Well, I imagine that perhaps by the time
I have gone through it all, you may come back to blogging afterall...
Thanks for all of the great information.

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