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« Spring is in the air | Main | Easter Hols »



i flit too and thank you - that was a relief to hear that it was sanguine behaviour and not fickle!! there is also a great little knitted cupcake pattern in that book - one skein. i don't mind the first one you did either - i might have to have a wee go myself!

happy easter to you and yours x


I flit as well, this is a great relief to me as I too thought there was something wrong. I find that it makes a nice break to try something new and then go back and finish off a larger project.
take care


Fun cupcakes. We have a crazy amount of Easter decorations too and we're about to make some more today! Happy Spring!


So glad there is a name for people like us.
I hardly ever finish anything but when I do get my teeth into something I have to have all the books/ball of wool/beads/
fabric/... etc..so much so my workroom is fit to burst. Wonder if this is a form of OCD
Going to put up a sign saying I am not a flitter just sanguine!!!!.. Do you think that will work. Current obsession crochet/knitting.
Wonder what the next will be ? thinking of taking a spinning class......


I love starting new things and want to learn everything. My problem is my planning stage is l-o-n-g and sometimes I don't even bother trying because of everything that might go wrong. Neurotic, isn't it?
I think I have a tendency towards being melancholic..
Happy Easter! off to bake hot cross buns


Happy Easter,
I love the cupcakes and the "wanna be" cupcakes as well. I am a flitter as well. I have vowed no new crafts! Maybe a class here or there but no more stuff, until I empty the basement. So I flitter within knitting and card making. I have more ideas than time, energy, and skill.
Happy Easter!!!
Pat (Ypsilanti,Michigan, USA)


I have just found your blog for the first time and it is beautiful....

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I love your blog so much, and there are just some differences with others'. Hope there will be more wonderful things in your blog. Happy every day! http://www.star-trek-dvd.com/star_trek/Voyager/index.html

Jo Windmill

I share your enthusiasm for knitted cupcakes. And lovely lovely blog!


LOL! Let's hear it for strong sanguine tendencies - I love starting new things and although I've stuck with knitting, I go through phases of what I make and usually stick to smaller, easily finished items because I'm always wanting to get on to making the next thing :)

UK lass in US

Here's a free knitted cupcake pattern that I made and liked: http://ax174.blogspot.com/2006/02/my-own-pattern-iv-cupcake.html

Just in case, um, you want to make another one...

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