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Isn't snow wonderful. We've had snow on the ground for the whole of January (very unusual) but it's nearly all gone. Fortunately there's some fresh stuff forecast for this week. Totally understand your frustration with the pattern. Very pretty little thing...I especially like them all hung in a row in different colours.


The snow looks fab (and the cinammon buns too) enjoy your snow day ....


Those cinnamon buns look amazing Simmy! I may try and make them for tomorrow since even up here it's looking like we'll have no school services tomorrow.

I really like your crocheted pot holders - I knit almost constantly but I have never quite managed to *get* crocheting. It doesn't make sense to me! Maybe I just need to persevere.

Jennifer F.

i second the cinnamon buns looking good. As soon as i saw your post i knew i recognized that pattern. I also found it in the 70's pattern book here at a thrift store in wyoming. Was actually going to start working on it soon, so thanks for the corrected pattern. Enjoy the snow.

greedy nan

Yours is looking like a wonderful place to be although I won't be venturing outside - more like the crochet hook for me I think. [We have about a foot of white stuff here].
I squinted my eyes to read the pattern from the photograph and wrote it down only to find that I should have read on because you'd also written it out so it was actually legible [and the original was wrong too]. I'll have a go at this and you might even see what my results are like if I finish it...
Have a great day and keep warm.


Hi Simmy, what a wonderful time you are having, with the snow, baking and crafting!.
The cinnamon buns look so delicious...
We are having here strong winds and no rain for nearly a month, very unusual for the tropics.
Enjoy the time with your family around. Ana


your pot holder looks fab, its a great colour too. so do your cinnamon buns actually, just the thing to prepare for snow-fun!


YUM! Those cinnamon rolls look SO good and playing in the snow is the perfect way to burn them off!

Kimberly Ann

What a wonderful snow day! I'm glad I found your blog.


'70's crochet rocks! Thanks for this awesome pattern!


Oh goody, I thought, this looks simple, and I can crochet but am not vg at following a pattern but this looked easy enough for me to try. Not so ... I must have unpicked it 4 times now, as it is being sort of circular on one bit and then square-ish and then totally shapeless [not unlike myself]. I eventually thought it didn't look TOO bad and came back to have a look at your photos - and mine is just totally, TOTALLY, wrong. I don't even think I've gone in the right directions! I was going to link your blog to my blog and show a picture of mine to show what it SHOULDN'T look like but think I'm actually TOO embarrassed to even do that. Boo-hoo! Looks like I'm unpicking it - again...

The Magic Onions

Hi, I have just passed on the Lemonade award to you. Your blog is lovely.


Blimey Simmy, snow doesn't last that long. What else has been going on for you in Feb?

Lorraine @NotQuiteNigella

Great photos of the snow! And cinnamon buns must be the most wonderful accompaniment to the cold weather bringing heat from the oven and a gorgeous beckoning aroma! :)


I love the potholder pattern!! I just finished my second one today! will make great presents for easter!!

soft cialis

and I just want to emphasize the good work on this blog, has excellent views and a clear vision of what you are looking for.

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