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HI Simmy!

I spent a lot of time copying Kate Greenaway drawings when I was a kid. I loved her work! We got your Christmas card but have managed to LOSE your address once again and thus didn't get ours to you.... We're having a bit of a slow January ourselves. It's really hard to get out of bed and our school hours haven't changed at all!


Hi there!

That looks like a wonderful book; we love to research our favorite authors and illustrators in our family. It makes the stories more meaningful, we think. We'll have to look out for a copy.



Hi Simmy,
Our January has flown by but I'm not so sure that's a good thing. The main thing is that it's nearly Feb which means it will soon be March and then we can all breath a sigh of relief as Spring bursts forth :)

I have a tree of happiness award for you over at my blog. http://bohemianmumma.wordpress.com/2009/01/29/a-forest-of-happiness/

The Magic Onions

Nice hand towel... so colourful!

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