I figured it was about time that I came out of retirement to share something with you. Who would have thought that the woman who hasn't threaded a needle for eight months would be inspired by a tube of tomato puree?
You see I was cooking dinner the other day and as I squeezed the last bits out of the tube a hint of gold caught my eye. So whilst the pot boiled I chopped off the ends of the tube and had a peep and lo and behold there was gold.
So I cut up the side and unfolded it:
washed it of course and then smoothed out the wrinkles as best I could:
Then with the timer ticking away (for the dinner, remember) I thought I'd make a folk-art-type tree decoration what with Christmas coming up and all that. And this is what I'd like to share with you - so here is a little tutorial coming up for making some gold/copper tree decorations:
If you want to give this a go you'll need the tube of tomato puree of course (you can always squirt the stuff out into a jar if you can't wait to finish it). Some biscuit cutters, a pair of sharp scissors, a pen with a point and needle and thread and possibly glue. These are the scissors I used:
As already mentioned you need to cut the top and bottom off the tube and then cut up the side. Open out and wash - mind your fingers as it can be very sharp. Smooth out with your fingers or the back of a wooden spoon (but go softly if using a spoon).
Now you have a sheet of gold metal(?) to use. Take a cutter and draw around it or draw a freehand shape with the pen - press hard:
Cut the shape out with the scissors:
and then decide how you want to decorate it. Turn the shape over and working from the back draw a pattern or with the pointy pen press into the shape as if making holes (but don't push so hard that you do make holes):
What you'll get is a raised pattern on the front:
Then decide if you want gold on both sides or the outer tube showing on the other side. If you go for the gold option make an identical shape and glue both together. Either way pierce a hole in the top of the shape and thread some cotton through it. Voila a folk art tree decoration:
I'm not sure if this is one to do with children as the cut ends of the tube can be sharp so please be careful. Also please excuse the pics as most of them were taken in the evening. Good Luck and enjoy as they say ...............
I can't go without saying Hi to everyone who has sent emails and left comments wondering if I'm ever coming back. The fact is that my inspiration and creativity had dried up completely and consequently I felt that I had nothing to offer on my blog anymore. And it was really good that I just went with the flow. Then last month some Mums asked me to run a doll making workshop before Christmas and I found myself saying Yes (whilst thinking can I be bothered).
And that's what I'm doing at the moment. I have four ladies on Wednesday morning and five on Thursday and we've allowed ourselves four weeks. Last week was our first and both mornings were great. In fact I was so inspired that I sat down one night and finished a doll whose head I'd made last year (it's different to the ones I usually make):
And do you know what (I hand stitched it this time) - it was so nice sitting at the table and meditatively sewing after so long. It even inspired Amber to pick up the knitting needles (after about two years) and start a pair of handwarmers from Kristin's book.
So what now? I don't think I'm back to crafting to the extent I was before we moved here. Again I'm just going to see how it goes and not put any pressure on myself. This time last year I was making like mad for the Christmas fair - this year I might get around to making a few angels. I just do not have the energy and enthusiasm I had before.
So with regard to the blog I think I'll post sporadically if I have anything creative to share. I'm not going to bore you with the minutiae of my life just so's I can post each week. You're a great community of supportive ladies and I know you'll understand (I do miss you though).