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Isn't Portobello just lovely? I spent a whole day there just soaking it all up.I agree that everything is overpriced.I wish I could get a pitch I would make a killing with charity shop finds from around here. I want to go back definitely.


Although a Londoner I have never been to this market! I really want to go there now Simmy especially for the pastries. I would have been tempted by the framed cigarette cards too!


Oh Simmy! Your pictures are beautiful! I want to come to England just to go there for the day with you! It looks just like I imagine it would and now I think I am going to have to go find a DVD of Notting Hill to watch to while away the afternoon!


What gorgeous cakes, dresses and what looks like an overall wonderful shopping trip


Oh! Great pics Simmy! I really love the chicken cigarette cards, but that's probably because we keep hens and I'm slightly obsessed with them.

That dress your daughter liked is stunning too, can Mum knock one up for her? ;)



And those pastries...oh my!


not fair...I'm drooling. What a great market...I'd be there all the time. In fact we nearly ended up living just around the corner.


Oooh its been years since I have been to the market there .... thanks for the memories.


What a wonderful day out! I so want to do this myself. Perhaps I can tempt Todd into going in to London on Saturday. Dare I hope! It looks to be a fabulous market. That dress Amber wanted is beautiful I bet you could knock one out quite similar to that very easily! (Cept it would be better because you made it!)


what a treat of a post! I was there years ago and you brought back all the memories! we must work on typepad to have that taste feature!
Thanks for setting up my daydreams for today!

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