So, there we were with the heaving masses streaming out of Notting Hill tube station on a very warm Saturday. Once we got past the beautiful terraced houses (one of which George Orwell lived in):
the market proper started. The first section is mainly antiques - both shops and stalls:
and then you come to the food part which I must say is nothing like the stuff that was on offer twenty years ago when I used to visit. There were stalls selling these yummy things:
cauldons of steaming paella:
artisan bread, cakes, olives and many other things set up by enterprising people. There were also the usual fruit and veg stalls too with very good quality stuff actually.
On the way along Portobello Road we stopped at Graham and Green, Books for Cooks of course:
and The Travel Bookshop which is where Hugh Grant's character worked in the film Notting Hill.
Once you get past the food you enter the clothes section which is a mixture of, overpriced in my mind, vintage stuff and newer whacky stuff. Ofcourse, Amber had to fall in love with this dress didn't she:
In July they are having their Class 8 ball and she needs a dress. Sadly, this one was £200!
Three hours later we ended up at the top end of the market where it basically fizzles out but no mind because we were off to The Lisboa Cafe for some of their delicious pastries:
We bought two boxes of the most divinely decadent Portuguese Custard Tarts:
Words cannot describe these I'm afraid and I only wish Typepad had a taste facility so you could all have a peck. They are thick, creamy, sweet and the pastry is to die for. OMG I might have to go and eat one for a mid morning snack - excuse me won't you?
Hmm, that's better. Now where was I? Oh yes, the market. Actually that was it really. We still had a few hours to kill so we walked back down to the tube station and on the way I was tempted by these:
they're basically framed cigarrette cards:
and like so on the back:
I was tempted by so many of them. Oh dear, I feel an obsession coming on as I've already looked them up on eBay.
Isn't Portobello just lovely? I spent a whole day there just soaking it all up.I agree that everything is overpriced.I wish I could get a pitch I would make a killing with charity shop finds from around here. I want to go back definitely.
Posted by: Kristy | May 25, 2008 at 12:13 PM
Although a Londoner I have never been to this market! I really want to go there now Simmy especially for the pastries. I would have been tempted by the framed cigarette cards too!
Posted by: simone | May 25, 2008 at 12:54 PM
Oh Simmy! Your pictures are beautiful! I want to come to England just to go there for the day with you! It looks just like I imagine it would and now I think I am going to have to go find a DVD of Notting Hill to watch to while away the afternoon!
Posted by: Harriett | May 25, 2008 at 06:44 PM
What gorgeous cakes, dresses and what looks like an overall wonderful shopping trip
Posted by: thimbleina | May 26, 2008 at 11:23 AM
Oh! Great pics Simmy! I really love the chicken cigarette cards, but that's probably because we keep hens and I'm slightly obsessed with them.
That dress your daughter liked is stunning too, can Mum knock one up for her? ;)
Posted by: Vonnie | May 26, 2008 at 12:34 PM
And those pastries...oh my!
Posted by: Lizz | May 27, 2008 at 08:55 AM
not fair...I'm drooling. What a great market...I'd be there all the time. In fact we nearly ended up living just around the corner.
Posted by: georgia | May 27, 2008 at 04:08 PM
Oooh its been years since I have been to the market there .... thanks for the memories.
Posted by: Carol | May 27, 2008 at 04:59 PM
What a wonderful day out! I so want to do this myself. Perhaps I can tempt Todd into going in to London on Saturday. Dare I hope! It looks to be a fabulous market. That dress Amber wanted is beautiful I bet you could knock one out quite similar to that very easily! (Cept it would be better because you made it!)
Posted by: Marie | May 28, 2008 at 06:46 AM
what a treat of a post! I was there years ago and you brought back all the memories! we must work on typepad to have that taste feature!
Thanks for setting up my daydreams for today!
Posted by: katie | May 28, 2008 at 08:23 AM