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Mine love that sage and onion chicken and sausage recipe. Has Amber done Nigella's chocolate version of the macaroons (in N. Express)? Very yum indeed. Must try the non-choc version.


nigella is responsible for a many an extra pound/kilo across the planet! sadly, we cook a lot of nigella. do you think jodi would mind you sharing the recipe for cowboy cookies as well? love the name!


Definitely try the involtini - they are divine, we love them, even my meat-mad husband.


I have that book, but haven't really cooked that much from it. I think I need to take another look at it! Nice to see you are settling in well to your new place and making some new friends! All your goodies look so delicious and are making me very hungry this morning!


I just happened upon your blog; it's lovely.
I hope to come and visit again soon.
I haven't tried any of Nigella's recipes yet, but everything you baked looks so good.


I have many of Lawson's books, and get great pleasure out of them. I enjoy her writing, and her campy recipes are such fun. Her approach to food is refreshing.
That sage and onion recipe sounds great, I'm going to give it a go.
Good to be back visiting. I'm off to catch up on your news, it sounds like alot has been going on with you!


Hi again, I just posted under kiki rather than the underground baker, and realized you wouldn't recognize me, echo! It has been awhile since I've been online - I went back to school this winter. That was a bit of a shock! I think I was older than all but one of my proffs, too, so it was humbling in an agist (is that a word?) way as well.


We've been attempting to try at least one new recipe every week and it does help. Though I should say that the meatballs from Feast are a regular treat - and the crepes canneloni from the same is gorgeous even if you sub the crepes with penne and bake it that way. Mmmmmm. I LOVE Nigella, which probably makes me very sad indeed.


I'm pleased for you that you managed to get some of your crafty things out. I've moved mine downstairs recently and they are just so more accessible I find I'm doing more, esp when I've just got time for a little something.
I have Nigella's Feast too. I have it because when I borrowed it from the Library our dog, then a puppy, chewed the cover (yum!). I had to buy a new copy and got to keep the chewed one!


Of course,food excites me. Has all my life. It is fun to discover new recipes and new taste sensations. I love to knead bread and eat bread. I am not allowed to enjoy bread like I use to. I like the fiber breads, but yearn for the fattening yeasty white flour taste. Hot from the oven, slathered with butter. Yum! Oh well.
Now, to praise you for finding a place to do yoga. I am so glad you have gotten back to it. It has made my life so much better since I went back to it. It is something that should be done for the rest of our lives. Taking the time for it is sometimes hard, but so beneficial for our muscles,joints, and minds. I have a new puppy that does not want me to do yoga, She wants to pull my hair and nip and play when I get on the floor. I have to put her up and hear her whine for a time. She is getting use to it now.
Love you and family,


is it possible to share the recipe for 'cowboy cookies'...they sound great. thanks.

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