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« The Blog Tour - part 1 | Main | The Blog Tour - part 3 »



I'm so enjoying reading about your adventures, I totally agree about the wonderful way in which blogging has brought us all together and created bonds of trust and friendship. America looks so interesting, I love the look of the farmer's diner - we are going to have to go over some day.


sounds like a great trip, good to know that your blog friends came up trumps too :)


It seems like you have had a wonderful trip. Can't wait to read the next installment!


Simmy- So funny. I love all those places in Vermont and we will be going there again in 2 weeks. What a whirlwind! Can't wait to hear about part 3...


Wow, sounds like a fun trip! I grew up in New England, but you found places I hadn't heard of!


The Farmers' Diner that you went to is the same one that Barbara Kingsolver features in "Animal, Vegetable, Mineral." All the food comes from local farms.

I think the woman in the picture at the farmer's market is an English woman whose child attends the local Waldorf school. Did you talk with her?

Guess I'll take the kids up to the sugarhouse and get a little package together for you :-)

Mama Urchin

I think I know where that phone ringing took you. What a wonderful trip you had!


no! i can't wait for the next installment! simmy, this is fanastic, i am hanging on your every word. what a wonderful time you have had x


I love reading about your impressions and adventures in America, Simmy, almost as much as I love reading about them in your own country :) I'm so glad you had a good time and can't wait for the next installment.


Anxiously awaiting to read where you go next. It is so great to read about all the nice hospitality you received. It can bring tears to ones eyes just reading about how nice everyone was. It is fun to see the pictures and get a free tour guide of the places you got to see. I just got tolook at my mother-laws pictures of her latest trip to England. Oh my! How lucky we are to have so many beautiful places to visit and experience!


Oh Simmy, you are making me so homesick with your entries about your lovely holiday in America. I have always said that Vermont is my favourite place on earth and I would move there in a New York minute if only I could! This truly sounds like it was the trip of a lifetime and I am waiting with baited breath to pounce on the next part of your wonderful journey! I think blog friends are the best friends. But then again, I may be biased! :-)


I'm feeling a bit homesick too with your these wonderful highlights of your trip to America, Simmy! Thanks for sharing your stories, finds and photos! Can't wait for part 3!! Happy week! ((HUGS)) :o)


So great to read part two, and you've left us in suspense for part 3, can't wait!!

Wild Rose

Looking forward to reading the continuation of your american adventures.

Marie x


Oh that all sounds so wonderful - and bits of it so familiar! We used to live in upstate New York and snowboarded at Killington many, many times ...

Can't wait for part 3!


I have just discovered your wonderful blog (linked through another blog in NZ) and wish I had discovered it sooner - you could have come visited me in New Hampshire on your big adventure over this way! I will be retuning here often. Thanks for all the eye candy!

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