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Love that unicorn! If there were only enough hours in the day...


Simmy it would take me a year to make one bag and then I probably wouldn't get to finish it. You are a very talented toy maker too. I am envious of your dinner tonight. We are having a takeaway but I'd much prefer your comfort food on this grey and dismal evening. Thanks for sharing the patterns, care to share some food?


thanks for the great patterns!! i'm happy to see you're putting your sizzix tool to good use :)


The bags look great, thanks for the link to the tutorial.
I'll look forward to your rhubarb and banana recipe, thats a new combination to me, I always cook rhubarb with oranges.


Thank you so much for the patterns. I'm on a softie kick and will give them both a try... I'm let you know when I get 'em done! And those bags are just beautiful. I love the fabric/linen combination.


Simmy I so wanted to do a big reply to your post on books, but it's just been a busy week. Needless to say we love books in our house too, although I am more a collecter of illustrated younger children's books and the newbies out there on the market. But because we have moved so much, we have had to give away so many...I usually do to the school library. I've probably donated over 15 boxes of kids books in the last 10 years! But I always keep my favourites and every time we move the removalists make some comment about the amount of books we have! As for the bags, I LOVE them. I have been thinking of having a go at bags myself, but my sister in law in Australia has just started her own business (http://www.biasdesigns.com.au if you are interested) and I feel like I'd be putting myself to shame. As for the unicorn, I love hime too. Unicorns and rainbows were always my favourite things growing up.
Hope the weather improves for your weekend!!!


Thankyou for the patterns. Our school fair is on soon, i hope to try one to sell at the fair!


I like that unicorn a lot! I made one of the same pattern a while ago. Love to see your crafts. And oh, this bag. I want one, too.


What wonderful bags! I remember you posting pictures of that lovely fabric a while back and it's nice to see what you turned it into! I love the unicorn as well. I think Unicorns are supposed to be lucky!


Oh my goodness... those bags are gorgeous. I absolutely LOVE that fabric. I must say when you previously posted the pics. I was thinking that was quite a wonderful stash you had. Wow they are so beautiful.


Okie dokey, the package is assembled, please just give me your email and it's on it's way!

Love the unicorn! You are majickal indeed.


Bitter Betty

I can't wait to make a unicorn for my Violet!!!!
The bags are so beautiful and I hope you are having a great day.


I love that beautiful unicorn! The mohair makes a great mane.


Fabulous bags. I think the fabric does suit them so well. I love the horse and the unicorn too, and I will definately have to print out the pattern for them both.


Thanks for the compliments on my blog Simmy. I translated the text belonging to the felt owl, so now you can read it ;)

I love the horses! And the bag too. I'm not good in sewing (yet), but maybe some day I can make that too.. :) (I'm taking sewing lessons)


Thanks for visiting Willow House, I've just had a quick look through your recent posts and am so very pleased to meet yet another book addict. I am hugely jealous of all those book shelves of yours, we just don't have enough! Love the bags you've made and now I really want to make some ponies, be they magical unicorns or not.

Wylie Hunt

Dear Simmy,
Your post on children's literature was wonderful. I, too, wanted to respond, but haven't had the time. I was in North Carolina this weekend visiting my daughter and her husband, and I showed my daughter your blog. We are both avid readers, and she has read voraciously since she was about 4 years old. She is now 26. She kept saying, as she was reading along, "Oh, I loved that book, too! Oh and that one! Remember this?" She may write to you. Her name is Laura.

I just mailed you some African fabric (very belatedly) that she had brought back from Kenya. I would love to buy one of your bags if they are indeed for sale, and if you have one you can part with! Let me know.



Hello Simmy, I love your unicorn so much I had to try and make one for myself - but it turned a lot more horsey then unicorny.
I thought you might want to take a look:


hi can i know whats the last shape with "on fold" for? i the 4 circles is for the feet of the horse right?

Jill Pettis

Simmy thank you SO much for the horse pattern. My daughter will be 9 June 2 and she is fully into her horse stage (flying through all the Marguerite Henry books) and this have given me a GREAT idea.

Caroline Stringer


I love your lambs and scotty dog that you obtained the pattern from from a Japanese magazine. I have been trying to obtain the book/magazine and I have been unable to do so since everything is in Japanese currency. Would you please be able to e-mail me or sell the pattern to me - I'm rather desperate - been looking for ages.

Your bags are wonderful too - congrats on you blog - its fantastic and very inspirational.



Pls send me some design ideas, send details of your items, price etc.

Lesley Mavro

Hi simmy,
I stumbled on your site purely by accident whilst looking for a crocheted flower pattern, I found yours (brooch) very easy to follow, thanks it's beautiful.
Wow what a site! you have so much on it I can't wait to try some of the other things such as the unicorn, what kind of blanket is he made from a woolen baby blanket?
Thanks again for a wonderful site I've saved it to my favourites.

inbal Weisman

Hi Simmy!
I used the pattern to make a unicorn for my child.
Also post about it here:
Thanks so much for this lovely pattern!


Hello, I LOVE your Unicorn pattern, but I was wondering how you got the mane in? Not sure how to do it...


Thanks so much for the pattern. I've been searching all over the net for any easyish type pattern for my 5 year old who is really bent on making her own unicorn. I'll have to let you know how it comes out. :)

Politics Dissertation

Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!


Thank you soooo much for the horse pattern. I've searched the internest for hours and finally came across your very cute horse. I'm making it for a dear friend's little boy whom I love very much! He's turning two and going through a second bout with cancer. He LOVES horses, to put it mildly. I hope he loves this little guy! Thank you! Thank you!


Thanks so much for the unicorn pattern! It looks great. I am so gonna use it!

Baby Sheep

Hi all

I know this blog is not active but does anyone see where the cute unicorn pattern is? :(

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