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« dyeing with dandelions | Main | bit of a show and tell »



Dear Simmy,
I love the beauty of the dandelions even more seeing the bit by bit process of how they're made. They're sort of Van Gough-ish, (if that's a world) Did you make all the other little animal bits (on the table) in the photo as well? All so lovely.

Jodi Lenz


lovely!! thank you for sharing with us!! :)


We're cutting out the pieces right now! Thanks for sharing this. I would have cut piles of little tiny strips and then tried to wire them together and would have had a mess!


Thanks so much for posting this! I can't wait to try it!


You make it look so easy. I have always loved dandelions...I have never been able to understand why people don't like them. I think they are beautiful as flowers and I love them when they go to seed....what fun blowing on them and seeing where they go ...

melanie ashton-hosseini

Hi Simmy,
What a creative woman you are, your site is really inspiring...so glad I found it.
The dandelion is beautful..I cant wait to give it a go.
keep it up you're amazing!

melanie ashton-hosseini

Hi Simmy,
What a creative woman you are, your site is really inspiring...so glad I found it.
The dandelion is beautful..I cant wait to give it a go.
keep it up you're amazing!


Hi Simmy

I love the dandelion, it looks so pretty. My girls hate it when we mow the lawn and the dendelions go away!



Bitter Betty

Oh these dandelions are sooooo beautiful. They almost make me happier to see the ones that ARE EVERYWHERE in my poor suffering garden. Great work as usual, dear Simmy.
(I have been looking for a picture of the Hailey Mills dress so I can be on the lookout for a pattern but I'm not sure which it might be.)


I have always loved dandelions, and welcome them in our lawn. I encourage my son to make wishes and blow the seeds into the wind. My husband has finally realized that the battle is over -- indeed, if we'd paid for the plants they'd be thought precious by everyone....


Hello! I found my way here via Vick's Turkey Feather. You have a beautiful place here! I immediately sighed over your fab Burne-Jones banner...Your felt dandelions are a super idea--and great tutorial. I must show this to my yound nieces who will get a kick out of these! DH & I have given up the battle of the dandelions in the garden, preferring to see the beauty in all things...Happy Days! :o)


Thanks for sharing this. And for the dyeing info. My children were thrilled to learn that they could make colors with a 'weed'. Now we're eyeing those weeds with more appreciation...maybe we shouldn't mow them? Hmmm.


sweet! I love dandilions. It would be nice to have these as a bouquet at the table when one is sipping some dandilion wine.


wow. i'm just now catching up on your blog - you have been up to some fantastic projects. these felt creations are stunning. what a beautiful project. wonderful!


so beautiful
looks like a really one...


many thanks!!! i like this flower!!


So lovely! I just linked to this for a Softies 101 section. So summery!

Ro Araujo

Ro Araujo - Brazil


This is beautiful! I just discovered your gorgeous blog via this project and I'm so glad! I'm adding you to my Reader and I'll be linking to this project in the future. How fun!

Mama King

This is beautiful! I am definitely going to make a whole vase full. Thank you!

Annie Pazoo

These are awesome dandelions! They also look like fantastic spider mums :-)

Found you via One Pretty Thing,


these are so lovely! I wish I had felt on hand!


Thank you so much for sharing!! They are my favorite flowers!!


The flowers are beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

Term Paper

Don't worry Simmy! your felt dandelion is looks attractive.In fact I will try to make it and I have never been able to understand why people don't like them.I think they are fool's.

Florist Italy

Some times things created artificially appeal more than the Natural ones. Your Floral designs are just like that, Colors full of variety and finishing at its extreme.


Your blog is absolutely one of my favorites. Love all the templates you find and all your own fabulous ideas!! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity

Study in UK

Hey Simmy I am new here this is my first visit on your blog and I must say you are really creative hats off to you cheers.

Account Deleted

Incidentally, I like the way you have structured your site, it is super and very easy to follow. I have bookmarked you and will be back regularly. Thank you

CCTV Karachi

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