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I love the natural shades so much more than the store dyes,forgive me if this is a silly question but did the dafodills have to be fresh, as in just picked? One thing I do have ( or will in a few weeks) is plenty of daffodils


Actually Simmy, it's probably just easier to dye with onion skins. Every time we cook we save the skins in a ziplock bag and when it was full, I dyed with them. Now I naturally have very alkaline water which may have effected the outcome, but the wool came out the most divine "daffodil" yellow colour-bright but not garish. I will try the daffodils though, but I'm going to wait until they've wilted and dried...I'll let you know what happens. Oh and did you mordant in alum?


oooh how wonderful. i think i couldn't do that. the poor daffodils ;-) btw, i answered all your email. maybe they are stuck in your spam folder? it happens sometimes to emails. otherwise let me know and i'll resend them.


thanks for sharing this process. what satisfying results...the yellow is just wonderful!


your pictures are always so educational. i love that one with the daffodils on top.


I'm going to pass your daffodil info to a woman I work with. She saved lilys from last summer and tried to dye linen this winter. She said it was a disaster. She noticed that the stamen from the lilys would stain her clothes when she worked in her garden, and this is what gave her the idea. She said that the one good thing that came from the process was learning the difference between stain and dye.



Simmy, you are an alchemist!


I just LOVE the lovely yellow curls! I think I'll take your advice and try the french marigolds, since I use them in my garden anyway, and the girls have a blast popping off the heads;)

Thanks for a terrific tutorial! And we loved to kiddies poem, too :))


Gorgeous! No daffodils here yet--we just got rid of snow last week, but wow is that a neat way to dye. I'm keeping it as a reference. thanks.


What a great experiment. Thank you for sharing it with us!!

little jenny wren

What a wonderful array of yellows. Isn't nature wonderful to give the possibility of so many different shades and to give you so much fun playing with them.

Evelyn Lum

Hello Simmy,
I have been a big fan of yours. You and other crafters are a great inspiration to me. Slowly but surely, my own weblog is coming together. I am going through this by trial and error. There are just too many questions and the info on typepad gets me more confused.
I hope you will include me as one of your fave blogs. I am so much to show everyone!


Hi S,
Great post, the yellow is beautiful!

I have been considering working with natural colourings for my cakes, (if you get a chance check out my orange polka dot prototype recently posted), but of course I have to consider flavour, not to mention toxicity!

I have had some lovely lemon saffron cookies in the past, so that will probably be my first experiment colouring the pastillage and sugar paste yellow/gold.

Do you have any other suggestions?

Just recieved my copy of Colours, looking forward to starting it.

Funny, my mate is a journalist too.

Candy Minx

Oh my GAWD!!!!!!

The colours are so beautiful. You have done a gorgeous job of documenting this and teaching us this too. The yellow is so lovely I am blown away.

Hey Simmie, I have done a little virtual tour of art on eBay for fun...and I also wote a small survey.

About art in the home and decor and interest levels in art or collecting. I was hoping maybe you and some of your readers might take a moment and drop by to participate?

Here is the survey:



Where do you find the time for all your loveliness?I wouldn't know where to start x

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