You know for someone who was an avid reader as a child I just do not read anymore. It's not because I don't want to but because I just don't seem to be able to fit it into my day. Up until Christmas I'd be crafting all my spare hours - day and evening and reading was kept for holidays. So it's with pleasure that I'm devoting all my spare time to catching up on my books. I love buying books - it's one of my weaknesses. One day I'll take some pics of all the bookcases in our house that are crammed with books. I buy them, flick through them, maybe one will grab me enough to cause me to stay up too late of an evening. I think reading has gone on the back burner since I've been madly crafting and blogging. Did I tell you that I'm just getting into the hang of reading in the day without feeling guilty? Isn't that weird? When do you read?
Anyway, I am making up for it now though. I've just finished the most amazing book:
I was so moved by this one that I got Tom to read it straight after me and he stayed up till 1.30 in the morning to finish it off! The Homemaker was written in 1924 and is the story of Eva and Lester Knapp and their three children. Eva stays at home and drudges (sorry not a word but it sounds nice) and Lester has a job that he hates. Both are unhappy and this has a deep effect on their children. Then Lester has an accident and has to stay at home (in a wheelchair) and Eva goes out to work. This role reversal re-awakens their innermost being and it's so lovely read how Lester is with the children, Tom said he cried at this bit, and to see how fulfilled Eva is. However, at the end there is the prospect of Lester getting better and both he and Eva returning to their former roles - a prospect that they are both horrified at......will they be brave enough to go against convention and do what they really want to do?
I don't know why we were so touched by this book. I really felt for them both and I sympathised with Eva for being subsumed with her role. I can see bits of myself in her I suppose. Anyway, please read this book and tell me what you think. (I bought it off Amazon - infact Tom wrote a little review for it on Amazon UK). There's a whole strand going though the book too about the new consumerism - another thing that makes Eva unhappy because Lester doesn't earn enough.
I've got two books on the go today. One is called 'Akenfield' and is the history of an English village in Suffolk in 1969. The author interviewed a number of the inhabitants and it makes fascinating reading because a lot of the people are in their 60's and 70's. They talk of the grinding poverty, the harsh life working on farms from the age of 12 and even then the loss of community because of television. At that time the village had a blacksmith, thatcher, saddler, the 'big house'. What will be even more fascinating is a book called 'Return to Akenfield' which was written by someone else in 2004. This chap interviews the original author and goes back to find some of the people in the first book. In 1969 most of the people in the village were born there and I imagine in 2004 there would be lots of newcomers for one. I don't imagine any of those trades have continued either. I'll keep you posted on these books. The other book I've just started is called 'The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets' which Amber is desperate for me to read as it's one of her favourite books.
Aside from reading I thought I ought to do something with all that handspun wool so I started a hat for Raj. Now I've never knit with home handspun wool so I did the wrapping-round-the-ruler bit and decided to knit with 3.75mm needles. Sadly, I cast on too many stitches cos it's too blooming big:
I cast on 88 stitches. Does anyone know how many I should do for a child's head? I guess I'll be unravelling all this later. Still, the colours go well together don't they - there's madder, goldenrod and walnut. If you remember I dyed blue faced leicester fleece and a neighbour spun it for me.
I'll just leave you with something that Amber concocted over the weekend. She decided that she wanted a crocheted bikini so she grabbed some of that dishcloth cotton I had (Peaches and Creme) and just went for it. Who needs a pattern for triangles Mum (well, me actually Amber). It's turned out really well but is a bit skimpy and she's worried that it'll sag in the water. She's abandoned doing the bottoms as she's convinced they would be around her ankles when she came out of the water. So this will just go with a sarong or something. I'll wear it on that quiet beach in Wales she said - not many people there.
For the hat I would just measure his head, then measure the stitches per inch you are getting in the knitting you have done and work it out from that! Love thye bikini, I think I had one a long time agao, but she's right they are not very practical when they get wet!
Posted by: Jo | January 29, 2007 at 01:12 PM
haha, that bra is cute. I had a crocheted bikini, too when i was child. and it came off in water. i hast could wear it on the beach.
i read when travelling with public transport (but mainly I knit). I rarely read. sometimes, if the book is very interesting, i read short before breakfast when waiting for my daughter to get ready. or before bedtime. but I used to read more when i didn't have a child :-) and didn't blog. and didn't have internet. but reading blogs is reading, too, isn't it?
Posted by: ramona | January 29, 2007 at 01:57 PM
Oh - the luxury of a good book! I hurt my hand pretty badly this weekend (deep burns) and the doctor says no movement so I will be reading and no craftng for a while. To the library I go today.
Did you get your magazine yet?
Posted by: Harriett | January 29, 2007 at 02:54 PM
omg that bikini brings back memories!!! I made that same one in the 70's! It was the first and last thing I ever with crochet. I found out it wasn't my thing. But I loved that bikini and wore it---so daring of me...younger (and thinnner) in those days. Ha!Plus I lived at the beach so, it felt very normal to be half-naked most of the time! I don't remember swimming in it however, that might've been pushing things a bit, but it wouldn't have been the first time I lost a suit in the ocean though. Amber did a fantastic job on this--beautiful!
It's funny you mentioned Dorothy Canfield-Fisher, because Ginger and I are currently reading one of her best-loved books called, "Understood Betsy" which is about a sheltered nine-year-old orphan girl raised by her aunts who is sent to live on a farm and discovers the world. That's it in a nutshell! It's one of my all time favorite children's stories. She wrote it after "The Homemaker" also wonderful, and had married by then and took the last name Fisher, so it would probably be listed under that.
Posted by: ~vicki | January 29, 2007 at 04:44 PM
that first book sounds great. I might have to add it to my LONG list of books to read.
Lovely blog by the way.
Posted by: monica | January 29, 2007 at 09:51 PM
I read The Housekeeper last fall and loved it. I read it in the Persephone imprint 'cause I heard about it from Jane at Yarnstorm and that is where she found it. It is a truely touching and thoughtful book.
Posted by: Lee | January 30, 2007 at 01:04 AM
That book is one I have been wanting to read for a while now! Glad to hear you enjoyed it.
I love the look of your handspun yarn.
Amber sure has done an impressive job designing the bikini top.
Posted by: Dannielle | January 30, 2007 at 01:33 AM
That book sounds amazing for its time - and even now really. I am going to try and keep it in mind. Personally, I am not particularly picky when it comes to books. I'll admit that I often judge a book by its cover (ie. heaving chests are a no, author's name bigger than title is a no) but I'll read almost anything. Unless its boring. Then I stop.
Posted by: Mae | January 30, 2007 at 01:49 AM
Nodding my head as I read your post. Reading has gone by the wayside since craftng took over.
Though, right now I'm reading The Other Boelyn Girl. I'm a night owl, so I usually do my thing once the kids have gone to bed. Then I stay up way too late and regret it the next day.
Posted by: Bonnie | January 30, 2007 at 02:05 PM
Oh, boy, do I relate! I am TRYING to not feel guilty for "indulging" in reading, especially since I'm at a time in my life where most of what I want to read is not merely for entertainment, but to increase my knowledge and (hopefully!) make me a better person. :) I read voraciously as a girl, but set it aside after having babies, since I completely get lost in a book and a train could run through without me noticing. NOT good with several toddlers. :)
But, this year, I have resolved to read more and am trying to set aside time nearly every day to read.
I also highly reccommend Understood Betsy - such a sweet, sweet story!
Posted by: Cara | January 30, 2007 at 03:17 PM
Great post! You may also like The Egg and I. A homemaker learns a lot in the early century.
Posted by: nutmeg | January 30, 2007 at 11:59 PM
I agree with the comment about reading blogs. I often feel like I have several "books" on the go at once when catching up with all my favourite blogs. I go through stages with reading "real" books though. If I am REALLY into it, that's it I will just sit and read and read. My husband says he knows when I have a good book because the house starts to fall down around me. I can be a bit like that with crafting and arting too. I have been through stages where I just didn't read for months (I didn't read for AGES after I finished my English Degree at Uni), but now I have settled into a routine of reading when I go to bed. We both do. If it's a good book I'll go to bed earlier. It's a good habit for me because it forces me to read, even if it's just a chapter. I am ploughing through the complete works of Jane Austen at the moment, and while I know most of the stories and have read many before, I must say I am really enjoying it. It is a challange to read and I find I can't do it around the kids because I really need to concentrate.
Loving the colours in your hat. I think the hardest thing for me to learn with knitting was: if it's not working, pull it apart and start again. I'm working on a jumper now (kind of making it up as I go along) and I have started the sleeves 5 times...I'll get it right, eventually!
Posted by: Georgia | January 31, 2007 at 01:51 PM
I get so lost in books, I have to use the library or it'd cost me a fortune, my favourite is reading in the bath - I can happily wile away nearly 2 hours in there with a good book! Love the colours in the hat!
Posted by: Sal | January 31, 2007 at 09:46 PM
oh! i've had that book on my list for ages. i may just treat myself to it this weekend.
p.s. -- been lurking for a while, your blog and work are lovely.
Posted by: mrspilkington | February 02, 2007 at 04:23 AM
I haven't visited in awhile and am glad I did. It's interesting that you mention this book. There is a buzz going around on US blogs about this article in the NY Times on gender differences.
The more things change; the more they remain the same.
Posted by: MCMilker | February 03, 2007 at 02:55 PM
Hmmm the above link doesn't work...Thanks for the heads up Simmy. I actually was clued into this story at a blog I read regularly
I'm not blogging on this subject, since these women have said it better than I.
Posted by: MCMilker | February 04, 2007 at 04:25 AM