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Hello Simmy! My mum is buying me Cath Kidston pyjamas for Christmas! I love your slippers. I will have a go at making the biscuits with my son if time permits.


Hope you have a great time at your sister's house. I wish our family was closer so that sometimes someone else could be in charge! Enjoy :)


I love your stained glass biscuits, they look so pretty, not sure I shall get round to them this year but shall have a go next year. I'm glad you enjoyed your shopping trip and that you bought something for yourself, you've earned a treat after all your hard work.


Those cookies look amazing! And what great gifts they would make (except the slightly overcooked oens of course!) I too will try and remember these for next year ...


Hi Simmy, I have finally come for a visit and what is posted but lovely little cookies...just the kind of thing I like. I have been thinking of making these this year and now I am inspired.
Today I baked off my seasonal requirement of ginger bread christmas camels, and oatmeal shortbread. More baking every day this week.
If I bake too far in advance of the holidays we eat it all.


Simmy! Those cookies are magnificent!!

I run across stained glass cookies in cookbooks from time to time. They are so beautiful. I haven't ever made them though because they look like sooo much work.

You are the baking QUEEN!!

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