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How funny, I just did a search for "Waldorf Doll" and your dolls popped up first! I had to come to your blog to tell you how absolutely gorgeous they both are! If only I had the funds, I would snatch one up for my daughter in a heartbeat.

By the way, I completely forgot to respond to your comment about my wall hanging so long ago - yes, they are entirely needle felted. I don't use any pre-made backing, just a layer of natural to secure things, and then various dyed fibers to "paint." I am glad you like them!


Who has time to clean windows when they are busy creating all these wonderful, beautiful things!


What is kite paper?


I am definitely going to have a go at this angel...but perhaps next year!Nice work, as alsways, Simmy.

Lori Seaborg

Oh, goody, I'm so glad I found this post today (thanks to cheekymama2005.blogspot.com, who is sending her readers this way today). We have an Angora goat that someone dropped on us last year, and so far I only just collect her fiber and keep it in a bag til I know what to do with it. Her Angora would make wonderful angels. Thank you so much for taking the time to type this tutorial up!


we now have a heavenly host thanks to you! I spent yesterday on it and we now have one big white angel (maybe Gabe?) and 5 little coloured ones. I think they'll look tops in my little girl Lorien's room afterwards- I don't think I could bring myself to put them in a box for a year!


Your angels are so beautiful! I can never get mine to look so pretty. They are usually a bit lopsided. I'm going to write a post about them this week. Mind if I use your pictures?


Thanks for the explain !!!
Your little angel is very cute !!!


absolutely fantastic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!many thanks


Thankyou so much for this! We're spending the afternoon crafting for Christmas, and I don't think I'd have stayed sane without your tutorial. So thankyou- for all your inspiration.

kristin Co

Cette ange est de toute beauté !
Bravo !

kristin Co

Cette ange est de toute beauté !
Bravo !


Your angels are so beautiful!
So thankyou- for all your inspiration.


Thanks so much!!

I tried out a mini one...as I had a "little" mistake mistake with my rule...well, better said...I haven´t had my morning coffee and my brain where still miss anywhere...; )

But It is the same one measuring the half!! : ))


Your site has really inspired me to make my own dolls. I have bought books with simple drawings in them, but they make me feel as if they would be very hard to try, but your site with the photographs have really helped me to see that it is much easier to do. Thank you so much for such a beautiful site. Could you possibly post some photos of how hair can be made for the Waldorf dolls. Thanks again.

nicole (frontier dreams)

so sweet! I just learned how to make these.

Myndy Kinzie

Thank you so much....I've been wanting to make these for so long now & just made one right now in the dark with my husband sleeping beside me with only the light of my computer screen. Your directions were fantastic & I'm so excited to leave this beautiful angel on the mantel for my kids to see in the morning. Thanks for the magic.

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