My work table this morning just about sums up what my life is like at the moment - a bit full and all over the place. Just to top it all up I'm exhausted too having slept really badly last night....oh, and I've just started my period too. Actually, that's why I slept badly. I had stomach cramps all night (which I don't usually get) and then in the middle of the night it was off to the bathroom. When the alarm went this morning I felt physically sick with tiredness...thankfully, I feel better now having had breakfast and some fresh air. I think a little siesta is in order this afternoon. So I think it will be a quick post this morning and then I'll go and sit on the sofa and sew a few yo-yos and mull over the fact that our first born will be 13 tomorrow.
I did get some time to myself on Saturday in the end because Tom and the boys shut themselves up in the shed to make some presents - something for Amber tomorrow and for me in four weeks time. Amber had a friend over so I locked myself up in here and made this little doll:
I'm going to make more of these velour dolls for the Christmas fair. I may make some proper dressable ones too but they are so much more time consuming and you have to charge more. These ones are for younger children really - something to cuddle. She looked a bit bare so I made her a waistcoat out of cherry bark dyed blanket. It needs a button and some embroidery on it yet. I'm working on another doll which is on the table in the first pic. There's also a gnome there and a duck which both need finishing off plus two piles of blankets that are waiting to be sent out for swaps. Did you notice the fabric on the left? I bought that on ebay alongside some fabric for another bag that I made yesterday.
I got a bit worried that Amber wouldn't like the grey bag or if I'm honest it was just an excuse to buy some more fabric! So I bought some cord and spotty fabric and I made another bag yesterday:
Yes, it's shocking pink. I've got a tiny bit of fabric left to make five yo-yos and I'll attach them somewhere and I think I'll let her chose which one she wants. The other can be a present for one of my sisters. I must say I did enjoy making this one a bit more and it didn't take me nearly as long.
I must go and drag myself off and think about tomorrow now. Presents for the young lady are sorted. I downloaded some lovely early motown hits onto a CD last night. Rohan is making some fudge this evening and I think I might make a little tissue holder to go in the bag too. A friend is sending some turron over from Spain which Raj can give her. Tom and I are giving her some money aswell as the bag and CD. This year Amber didn't want to have a party and instead she's inviting four friends to tea. On the menu are bridge rolls with salmon and cucumber, cheese straws, crisps, scones with clotted cream AND home made doughnuts. She also wanted a birthday cake but I managed to dissuade her, especially as she's taking one to school in the morning - we'll put the candles in the scones instead! Thankfully, she's such an ace cook now that she's cooking a lot of this stuff tonight so all I have to do tomorrow is make the doughnuts and the scones and finish off her presents. That's what I call an easy birthday unlike the craft parties she used to have when I would collapse with exhaustion afterwards. Talking off exhaustion that sofa is beckoning...........
Hi! I just found your blog. I'm not a knitter really, I am trying to learn, though. And I love your recipes and other things...the doll for your daughter is adorable! I had to laugh though, because I just posted yesterday about my "doll experiment". I've never made one before and tried over the weekend...I'm learning! lol!
I also have a daughter who is 12 and will be 13 in April. I have a feeling the hormones are only just beginning! Oy!
Posted by: Lauri | October 10, 2006 at 02:02 PM
your doll looks soo cute. i like the way the faces turn out. it makes soo much on the personality of a doll. great work. hope you will feel better soon and you can relax a bit. my life is crazy, too. i will answer your email soonish
Posted by: ramona | October 10, 2006 at 06:04 PM
Sweet doll. That bag is going to be great with the yo-yos! Hope you are feeling better. Nothing worse than to feel ill and have so much to do.
Posted by: Erin | October 10, 2006 at 06:35 PM
OH Simmy your table looks like my life these past couple of weeks. I'm glad I'm not alone.
Posted by: littlejennywren | October 10, 2006 at 08:46 PM
Wed am. Hope you are feeling better today Simmy, you sounded pretty miserable when you posted. I like your doll, she looks really Native American - a little beaded suede outfit would look good on her. Hope Amber has a wonderful day - wish her Happy Birthday for me.
Posted by: Rowan | October 11, 2006 at 07:12 AM
Hi Simmy
Probably not what you want to hear when you're tired and menstrual but I thought you may be interested in a "spinning workshop" that's going on in Suffolk. If you want the details let me know.
Keep well and have a blessed week!
Posted by: natalie | October 11, 2006 at 09:00 AM
The doll and bag are gorgeous. The bag is so well finished and neat. I am always in such a hurry to get something finished that there is some degree of wonkiness!
Posted by: Max | October 11, 2006 at 02:34 PM
My little one just started carrying his velour doll around EVERYWHERE. Her name is "Baby".
Posted by: Cristina | October 11, 2006 at 06:49 PM