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Hi! I just found your blog. I'm not a knitter really, I am trying to learn, though. And I love your recipes and other things...the doll for your daughter is adorable! I had to laugh though, because I just posted yesterday about my "doll experiment". I've never made one before and tried over the weekend...I'm learning! lol!

I also have a daughter who is 12 and will be 13 in April. I have a feeling the hormones are only just beginning! Oy!


your doll looks soo cute. i like the way the faces turn out. it makes soo much on the personality of a doll. great work. hope you will feel better soon and you can relax a bit. my life is crazy, too. i will answer your email soonish


Sweet doll. That bag is going to be great with the yo-yos! Hope you are feeling better. Nothing worse than to feel ill and have so much to do.


OH Simmy your table looks like my life these past couple of weeks. I'm glad I'm not alone.


Wed am. Hope you are feeling better today Simmy, you sounded pretty miserable when you posted. I like your doll, she looks really Native American - a little beaded suede outfit would look good on her. Hope Amber has a wonderful day - wish her Happy Birthday for me.


Hi Simmy

Probably not what you want to hear when you're tired and menstrual but I thought you may be interested in a "spinning workshop" that's going on in Suffolk. If you want the details let me know.

Keep well and have a blessed week!


The doll and bag are gorgeous. The bag is so well finished and neat. I am always in such a hurry to get something finished that there is some degree of wonkiness!


My little one just started carrying his velour doll around EVERYWHERE. Her name is "Baby".

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