Here is where I'm at with the curly whirly scarf that I started on Friday. As I said in the previous post I'm using alpaca wool bought at the Knitting and Stitching Show from Alpaca Select. I bought five balls but I'm not sure that I'll use them all. I first saw a pattern for these scarves at a website called curlywhirlies which seems to be soley devoted to these scarves. It has lots of free patterns on the sidebar and I particularly liked this one from woolly wormhead. However, in true Simmy fashion I took one look at the instructions and decided that it was too difficult and that was that.
Until Friday ofcourse when I saw one displayed at the Alpaca Select stand. They were selling patterns and the wool as a kit. The lady assured me that if I could crochet a flower (I was wearing on of my brooches) then I could certainly crochet this scarf. So I went for it - I think the colour did it for me really. I just decided that I had to have something in this colour. The pattern I have is very similar to woolly wormhead's one and I started with 300 chains and trebled into each chain twice:
which is what makes it kink:
Then you keep going on and on to the end and start all over again:
I won't give you the exact pattern as it must be copyrighted to the girl who wrote it but as I said it's pretty similar to the one I mentioned. I have to say it is a bit tedious/boring to make and I found that I did more at my parents because I watched the telly there and had more opportunity to sit around. But hopefully I'll have it finished by the end of the week. As you can imagine the latest dishcloth on the needles has been cast aside which had already cast aside Tom's tanktop.....I have a queue of knitting waiting.
Aside from the show we had a lovely w/end at my parents. Ate far too many pakoras/bhajis which my Mum and I prepared in the morning. Gosh I wish I could cook like my Mum she just throws handfuls of this and that in and makes THE most delicious food. I watched like a hawk what things she put in and wish I'd taken my weighing scales. I'm going to try them at home one day and when I do I promise I'll pass on the recipe (well only if they turn out OK!) We also had marrow curry which is the only thing in my mind you can do with marrow - equally delicious and we came home with most of it for supper tonight. Whilst Tom and the boys went to walk off all the fatty food Amber and I popped to the shops and I bought her an early birthday present:
It seems that kurtas or kaftans are really in at the moment and we saw lots of girls wearing them with jeans. Popped into a shop and we chose this one from a range of yellow, orange, light blue and maroon ones. I don't think the photo does justice to it actually cos it's very sparkly. She looks gorgeous in it and is wearing it to school tomorrow - they'll think she's going to a party.
Glad I'm not the only one with a knitting queue! I stand back and bow to your superior talents with the crochet hook - I've never been able to catch the knack of doing crochet. You'll have to post a photo of Amber in her kaftan - very flattering garments though at Amber's age everything is flattering!
Posted by: Rowan | September 17, 2006 at 06:23 PM
Your curly scarf looks lovely. I've been wanting to make a whirly scarf for a while... Thanks for the link, but know I'll never know which pattern to choose :)
Posted by: Lina | September 17, 2006 at 10:46 PM
That scarf is so cool, so wish I could knit.
Love the kaftan too, I just love wearing them.
Posted by: weirdbunny | September 18, 2006 at 12:50 AM
Hi there Simmy!
Of course I'm seething with jealousy that you went to the show!However, I admire your skills with a crochet hook. I'm not a good crocheter! Your finds look fantastic and I'm a fan of Brittany needles too!
Posted by: plainandsimple | September 18, 2006 at 10:35 AM
I've always wondered how those curly spirals were made. :-) Suddenly my mind is brimming with ideas on how to use a curly bit of crocheting. Too bad I don't have the time to devote to trying the ideas out right now.
Posted by: Dannielle | September 18, 2006 at 06:55 PM
Pretty kurta! Lucky Amber. I love the ones that go down almost to the knees. Your board turned out beautiful. The fabric is great.
Posted by: Cristina | September 18, 2006 at 08:23 PM
I love the scarf - wish I could crochet - only do knitting! I love your dolls too - especially the boucle hair ones. Really enjoyed finding your site - thanks!
Posted by: little cotton rabbits | September 19, 2006 at 12:12 PM
Just wanted to say thanks for your post. I wanted to find a way to do the curly cues for the top of my daughters hat and found just what I was looking for in your post.
Posted by: Stephanie | November 16, 2007 at 04:39 PM