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Glad I'm not the only one with a knitting queue! I stand back and bow to your superior talents with the crochet hook - I've never been able to catch the knack of doing crochet. You'll have to post a photo of Amber in her kaftan - very flattering garments though at Amber's age everything is flattering!


Your curly scarf looks lovely. I've been wanting to make a whirly scarf for a while... Thanks for the link, but know I'll never know which pattern to choose :)


That scarf is so cool, so wish I could knit.

Love the kaftan too, I just love wearing them.


Hi there Simmy!
Of course I'm seething with jealousy that you went to the show!However, I admire your skills with a crochet hook. I'm not a good crocheter! Your finds look fantastic and I'm a fan of Brittany needles too!


I've always wondered how those curly spirals were made. :-) Suddenly my mind is brimming with ideas on how to use a curly bit of crocheting. Too bad I don't have the time to devote to trying the ideas out right now.


Pretty kurta! Lucky Amber. I love the ones that go down almost to the knees. Your board turned out beautiful. The fabric is great.

little cotton rabbits

I love the scarf - wish I could crochet - only do knitting! I love your dolls too - especially the boucle hair ones. Really enjoyed finding your site - thanks!


Just wanted to say thanks for your post. I wanted to find a way to do the curly cues for the top of my daughters hat and found just what I was looking for in your post.


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