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Found your blog through turkeyfeathers, I think, and really glad I have! Look forward to hearing more about your spinning and dyeing exploits - and Hugh will be delighted with your tie dye lessons!


Hi Simmy

I've just finished my DH's tank top. We've christened it his Ted Hughes pullover...


I love Raj's tank top - the colour is wonderful.


Just come across your blog through turkey feathers, the felt you sent her was beautiful. trying to find muted colours is so difficult everything is bright in the shops. I will continue to stop by and take a look. if you are ever selling let me know.


Hi. I too found your blog through Turkey Feathers. I am pleased to have discovered another Waldorf dollmaker. I've had a bit of a look around your blog, your dolls are lovely and the hand dyed wool is just beautiful, the colours are so rich aren't they. I see you are also a friend of Plain and Simple. Nice to meet you.

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