Some of you may know that I volunteered to run our school's summer fair again this year and that it was last Saturday. From Friday lunchtime until Saturday night my feet barely touched the ground but I have to say that it was worth it. We had great weather and it was actually a bit too hot. The fair itself only ran from 2 - 5pm and a lot of people hung on for the raffle despite the fact that England were playing (football). As you can see from the pics we had a cafe, we sold mangoes, watermelon, samosas and crepes. We had a plant stall, we sold books, toys and bric-a-brac. There were icecreams and cordial to drink. Facepainting, games for children and crafts for them to do too and on top of all that we had an exhibition of pupils work. I made sure that there were posters everyone and that paid off because the place was heaving. Consequently we made £1,900. I know because Tom and I spent most of Saturday evening counting all the money.
I forgot to mention that I had my own stall too. This wasn't a great idea as I didn't really have time to stand behind it and I relied on Amber and Rohan and a couple of older girls. Still I sold the bag that I just made, Sally the doll, some tie dye T-shirts, a couple of scotties, all the vanilla fudge and some brooches. So I was even more pleased. Although I was pretty tired by the end of the day it was a satisfying tired.
A tired when you know that you and your team have done a great job not just of raising money but of creating community within the school and within in the town. A lot of local people came and were surprised to see how normal the school was and the high standard of work by the pupils.
So that was Friday and Saturday. No rest for the wicked as they say because on Sunday there was a picnic for the head of Kindy who is moving on to new pastures. Then today we had something called Water Day where the whole school (and parents) descend to a lake to take to the water to swim, boat, paddle, canoe or whatever. I have to say that Tom spent most of the time in the water with the children and I sat under a huge umberella chin-wagging with some other (lazy!) Mums. I had done my bit.
Thankfully the children break up for the summer holidays on Friday. In between Amber is off to Wales with her class for 2 days and I have to write reports for my class by - tomorrow lunchtime! The freezer has broken down and the man is coming out on Thursday afternoon as is the man who is going to service the Aga (must remember to turn it off the night before); I hope nobody is expecting much from me next weekend because I might be here in body but not in mind or spirit.
Congratulations on the sucess of your fete. I love crepes. The swim day sounds an amzing event. You need to take a few days to rest now.
Posted by: weirdbunny | July 04, 2006 at 09:52 AM
A school fair and a water day - my you have been busy! Love the archway of flowers. Oh and you have an Aga - how I wish I had one of them. Happy resting... :)
Posted by: Lindsey | July 04, 2006 at 10:29 PM