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Thank you, thank you, thank you. Instructions as well - great! I think this will be on our activity list of things to do in the summer holidays.


Thank you so much for the instructions! i love your spirals~


hey, looks great, tks for the tips, i am just starting to get into this dyeing thing.....



Thank you for your very clear guidelines and wonderful photos which explain everything so well.
Bright Blessings,
Markus, Fort Lauderdale

Cláudia Pires

I am Brasilian. I love Tie Dye.
Gostaria muito que alguém pudesse me ensinar, mas não conheço ninguém que possa fazer isso. Estou aqui procurando alguém que por favor help me. Preciso aprender a trabalhar com a técnica Tie Dye.Alguém pode me mandar algum curso por correspondência, uma apostila ou algum texto que possa me ajudar?
Aguardo resposta e sou muito, mas muito grata mesmo.
Cláudia (João Pessoa - PB - Brasil)

Cláudia Pires

Meu endereço de email e: [email protected]
Por favor preciso aprender tie dye.


Awesome! Thanks for the tips! I've always wanted to tie-dye but never knew how.


This perfect! I need to make cute t-shirts for my daughters to wear to cheer practices and these will be a hit with them!! Plus we can have fun working on them together!!


THANK YOU for your well explained directions and for pictures. You made it easy and my b-day party was a hit!


Hi great spirals
I am going to tie-dye a t-shirt with my son and he has chosen the french blue and radiant pink Draylon cold dyes, which should i dip the t-shirt into first as we would like to make the 2 coloured spiral.
many thanks Louise


thank you so much it really hepls a lot to me and to my pupils


thanks you have given me gr8 addvice but what other matterials can u tie dye with lets me know plz


This site is terrific - the best on tie-dying that I found on the web! Thanks for all the effort you put into the instructions. Much better than the instructions that they give on the tie-dying kits! Thanks so much. Rossana


i'm from india...this is the first time i actually got to know how tie-dye is actually done.your instructions are great...so easy to understand.


Cool. anyone try making a butterfly shaped Tie die?

Nicolas Shewan of Glencairn

me and my friend have this crazy rash from wearing tie dye have u heard of that before? pls help me it hurts!

michelle larson

Thank you sooo much. i looked at all the other directions and didn't understand a thing. The pictures really help!!


This is on my list of things to do this summer and I can't wait to try it!!


Great tie dying .... photos and all! I printed all the instructions and will be trying it out next week. This a great end of the year activity! I made tie-die last year, but did not know how to make the multi-color.
I just bought a new tie-die t-shirt recently, and love it. I really want to teach my student how to make it. Again, great job!

naama hay

hi. Im from israel and i want to thank you so much. two years ago I was in a festival and tie dyed t shirts with my two small children, the instractor had a book of meny kinds of techniques and we made the pinocchio technique and used differant coulor between every two rubber bands so the sun came out shining with sirculs in different coulors. tomorrow its my daughter's 7th birthday and I wanted to tie dye with her friends invited for sleep over and make them sleeping gowns. so you helped me a lot. thank you


I noticed u said to include salt but did not say what to do with it ?

Merlin Silk

We started to bring tie-dye - the old traditional mudmee tie-dye into the US a few years back and have only recently been able to build enough rapport with the owner of our studio that she was willing to part some of her knowledge with us. Some of that you can view at the companion blog to our commercial site - that blog is at www.ThaiTiedye.com

We are always eager to find guest posters to that blog so that we can cover more than our own opinions ;-))



Sang Yeon, Kim

Please check our website for natural dyeing. Great selection for silk natural dyeing



i was wondering if you can tie dye with food colouring, we are having a disco annd its hippie theme

P.S,plz answer or comment A.S.A.P

brenda gabia

thanh you so much for the clear instructions.i love tie dying.


Thank you so much! I've found this so so useful :D I'll be making one soon... the pics are great <3


totally brill


what a brilliant tutorial, thank you! Am about to have my daughter's birthday party and she's requested Tie Dye T-Shirts as the activity ;-)

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