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Kristin Nicholas

Totally cute chicks - we're not worrying about bird flu either in Massachusetts.



Adorable - thanks for the pattern!


Love that little goose going to try to make it this weekend not sure can do feet like what you have never make web feet.
thank you so much for the pattern!
hugs ginger

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awwwww sooo lovely thanks for the pattern

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hey i think that is a good idea keep up the good work

Le Roux

Merci beaucoup de votre gentillessepour le patron.je voudras savoir comment vous fait pur les d'oie pour qui peut tenir bien.Est ce que vous pouvez me dire dans qul magasin vous acheter ce patron .Merci d'anvance


Thank you, thank you, thank yoU! My son's class is doing a play with a Golden Goose and I was dreading having to draw up a pattern for a goose. You've saved my day!



I liked to make the unicorn, the goose and the dog. Unfortunately I cant download the pattern.
It's possible that you mail me these patterns?

Thank you very much.
With regards


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